

5G. 毕业要求.

5G.1. 目的.

The success of students, as measured by graduating with a credential, is strongly influenced by proper academic planning on the part of the student and on the part 书院院长. To facilitate proper academic planning by students, this policy clarifies “目录年”及其对学生的重要性. 这项政策确立了学生的权利 修改编目年的权利. 因为适当的学术规划是不可能发生的 without curricula being set when advising and course registration occur, this policy also establishes a deadline for the modification of a Program’s requirements for a Catalog-Year.

5G.2. 定义. 

  1. "Academic Year" means the annual period of sessions at 雪的大学 beginning fall semester and running through the subsequent spring and summer semesters.
  2. "Catalog-Year" means the course and Program requirements, admissions standards, and academic policies in effect during a single Academic Year. 它指出了需求 in place for the fall semester of the Academic Year when a student (1) first enrolled at 雪的大学 as a degree-seeking student, (2) readmitted as a degree-seeking student after an 入学中断, or (3) changed his or her Program 的研究, i.e. 被录取进入一个项目. 这是参考的印刷和PDF版本的 the college catalog 雪的大学 publishes once each year. 因此,当年的需求 在该学年期间不会改变. 公布于 the electronic college catalog, if different from the printed or PDF version of the 目录,申请到下一学年.
  3. "Matriculate" to enter a Program 的研究 leading to a credential. 一个注册入学 student is a student accepted into a Program that leads to a credential.
  4. "Program" refers to an academic curriculum leading to a credential.  程序是 学位的具体类型. For example, 雪的大学 awards Associate of Applied Science (AAS)的度. An example of a program under the AAS degree is the AAS in Agribusiness (AAS-AGBS).
  5. "Program 的研究" means a student's declared Program, i.e. 这个学生在追求什么啊 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行.
  6. "入学中断" means the student stopped attending 雪的大学 for two (2) or more semesters (excluding summers) without submitting a leave of absence 或延期.

5G.3. 政策.

  1. To graduate, 雪的大学 students must meet all of the graduation, general education, and Program specific requirements listed in the catalog for their Catalog-Year. 雪 College students can have only one Catalog-Year for their Program 的研究.
  2. Students' Catalog-Year will be the Catalog-Year in effect the fall semester of the Academic Year when they first enrolled at 雪的大学 or were readmitted after an 入学中断. The Catalog-Year for students who change their Programs of study will be the one current on the date their Program 的研究 changed.
  3. When a student completes 雪的大学's General Education Program's requirements (the 整个GE块,e.g. Certificate of Completion in General Education) and the 毕业 Office has been properly notified, this portion of a student's Program 的研究's requirements will be considered fulfilled regardless of future changes to the Program's General Education requirements or expiration of the catalog under which he or she 完成通识教育要求.
  4. The College reserves the right to change, at any time, the requirements for graduation.
  5. Students are responsible for knowing their Programs' requirements for their Catalog-Year.

5G.4. 程序.

5G.4.1. Catalog-Year决心.

The following standards determine a student’s Catalog-Year for graduation purposes.

  1. A student’s Catalog-Year is initially assigned at the time of admission.
  2. If a student must apply for readmission due to an 入学中断, the student will receive the Catalog-Year in effect at the time of readmission.
  3. A student’s Catalog-Year is updated when a student Matriculates into a new program, i.e. 宣布了一个新的学习计划. 学生的目录年就变成了 Catalog-Year current when the change to the student's Program 的研究 was initiated.
  4. A change in major, emphasis, or concentration within the original Program will not 更改学生的目录年.

5G.4.2. 异常.

  1. 例外情况可根据个人情况而定. 申请的程序 exception can be found on the 登记 Office’s website.
  2. Students may petition the 登记 Office to keep their original Catalog-Year or to acquire any active Catalog-Year subsequent to it, but they cannot choose a Catalog-Year 在他们最初的目录年之前. 请参阅下面的目录过期.
    1. Students cannot petition for Catalog-Years that cover an Academic Year they did not 就读雪学院. 
    2. Students cannot petition to have multiple Catalog-Years apply for the same Program 的研究.
    3. If the student's petition is granted, the student may not move back to an older Catalog-Year.

5G.4.3. 创建目录.

  1. Because students are responsible for knowing their Catalog-Year's requirements and building their semesters accordingly, all changes to 雪的大学's Programs must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee by the end of the January before the Academic 什么时候会发生变化.
  2. Changes that remove GE courses' GE designation must follow this same deadline.
  3. Changes to Programs should be in the catalog before the next fall semester's schedule is published so students and advisors can plan their academic paths accordingly.
  4. 新的程序可以在任何时候添加.

5G.4.4. 目录过期.

  1. A student's Catalog-Year remains active so long as there is no 入学中断. 否则,一个目录的有效期为6年.


Originally approved by Board of Trustees November 5, 2015. 2019年6月8日更新.